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Visit from former student Rev. Dr David Coe

Westfield House was recently honoured by a visit from former student, Rev, Dr David Coe. David is currently associated…

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Luther and Philosophies of the Reformation 

Dr Boris Gunjevic, Director of Theological Studies at Westfield House, has edited an anthology of essays on the Reformation…

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Interview with Rev Dr Simon Perry and Rev Dr Boris Gunjević

Listen to the recent interview with our Tutor and Director of Studies, Dr Boris Gunjević who was recently interviewed…

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Visit from former student Rev. Dr David Coe

Westfield House was recently honoured by a visit from former student, Rev, Dr David Coe. David is currently associated…

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Luther and Philosophies of the Reformation 

Dr Boris Gunjevic, Director of Theological Studies at Westfield House, has edited an anthology of essays on the Reformation…

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Interview with Rev Dr Simon Perry and Rev Dr Boris Gunjević

Listen to the recent interview with our Tutor and Director of Studies, Dr Boris Gunjević who was recently interviewed…

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