The Westfield House Certificate in Lutheran Theology: Distance Learning

The Westfield House Certificate in Lutheran Theology is designed for Lutheran ministerial and diaconal candidates, church workers and laity throughout the United Kingdom and the wider world. The goal of the curriculum is to provide a grounding in confessional Lutheran theological foundations as it applies to contemporary service in the Lutheran church.
The primary focus of studies is a thorough exploration of the Lutheran confessional texts included in the Book of Concord and several historically and theologically significant texts from the writings of Martin Luther. From the contents of these primary texts the main themes of Lutheran theology and spirituality will be explored. Through a close reading of these documents students will gain an understanding of their history, context, and theological content as well as a critical perspective on their role in the contemporary Lutheran church and its wider ecumenical commitments.
Our new distance and blended learning mode of delivery, which will be offered in full beginning with the 2021/22 academic year, will provide an opportunity for students to study at a distance, with optional short residential components taught in Cambridge. The Certificate is designed so that students may complete the entire course within an entire academic year. Individual modules are also open to study abroad students or other interested students who may not necessarily wish to complete the entire Certificate.
Westfield House Certificate in Lutheran Theology Information Brochure
Additional Training for Lutheran ordinands and church workers
On behalf of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England, Westfield House offers additional training for Lutheran ordinands and church workers preparing for service in the Lutheran church including the following:
- Christian Education
- Homiletics
- Lutheran Liturgy
- Pastoral Practice